Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography Hardcover – October 14, 2014 Author: Visit Amazon’s Neil Patrick Harris Page | Language: English | ISBN:
0385346999 | Format: PDF, EPUB
Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography – October 14, 2014
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- Hardcover: 304 pages
- Publisher: Crown Archetype; 1ST edition (October 14, 2014)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0385346999
- ISBN-13: 978-0385346993
- Product Dimensions: 6.4 x 1 x 9.4 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #146 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #1 in Books > Humor & entertainment > Television > Shows
- #5 in Books > Humor & Entertainment > Humor > Essays
- #8 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Arts & literature > Television Performers
First, I am writing this under my husband’s amazon account, so pardon the over the top girl-ish giddiness. As many other fans, I have always adored Neil Patrick Harris – first in Doogie, then as Barney Stinson in HIMYM, then as Dr. Horrible which led to me discovering Neil can SING and DANCE which quickly had me devourning alll musical productiona ala Neil – Rent, Sweeney Todd, Company, the endless parade of awards show hosting followed with his amazing performances in Hedwig and finally to this little gem of a read.
As a certified bookwork myself, as soon as I heard NPH wrote an auto-biography, I downloaded the Kindle version immedietely and will probably end up buying the hard cover version as well. Why you ask?? Because it is just THAT good. Imagine what sitting down with Neil Patrick Harris for a long cup of coffee might be like and you begin to understand this book is severely underpriced.
You really do feel as if you are right there with your hero having to navigate through all the many choices he faces and deal with the incredible burden of growing up in the public eye but somehow still managing to stay down to Earth through all the fame, popularity, and pressure. You feel an insane amount of pride and joy as each page reveals to you what you already knew anyway, Neil Patrick Harris is a really nice person who constantly strives to be the ideal celebrity role -model we all believe him to be.
Harris gets personal and opens up in a multitude of ways but nothing is ever dreary or boring. Far from it. He injects his usual humor into every passage (especially at himself) so you are literally laughing and smiling non-stop.
This is a great wealth of information on the life of Neil Patrick Harris that is also a very fun read. I liked the Choose Your Own Adventure books as a kid myself so loved the fact this was laid out like one. You could just read it cover to cover if you chose to and once you’ve followed quite a few paths and you’re pretty sure you’ve lived all of Neil’s lives. you’ll start doing so again anyway just to make sure you haven’t missed anything. There is even a bonus page in there that isn’t linked to other pages, where if you ever run into Neil in the street and are carrying this book, there is a spot for him to scrawl a congratulatory signature.
The reading experience of this is interesting. There are fictional parts of his life where if you choose incorrectly (although it’s usually pretty obvious with some options), you as Neil will die, such as drowning in quicksand, being eaten by piranhas, a betrayal with a bowling ball and other fun ways including my favourite being murdered by a super villain you unwittingly created at a child’s birthday party when you did your first magic gig! At one point in the book you enter the fictionalised version of Neil Patrick Harris world, where you meet what you assume to be two gay guys named Harold and Kumar after you get kicked out of a limo for doing stuff with someone else’s girlfriend. That’s the sort of thing that makes this so much fun to read, you never know where Neil’s mind will take you. Getting angrily awakened as a sandwich hand from dreaming you did all the awesome stuff of Neil’s real life by customers in a huge line at Subway is another.
You do learn actual stuff about Neil as well such as why Patrick is used instead of just a first and last name.
Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography – October 14, 2014 Download
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