Us: A Novel Hardcover – Deckle Edge, October 28, 2014 Author: Visit Amazon’s David Nicholls Page | Language: English | ISBN:
0062365584 | Format: PDF, EPUB
Us: A Novel – Deckle Edge, October 28, 2014
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- Hardcover: 416 pages
- Publisher: Harper (October 28, 2014)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0062365584
- ISBN-13: 978-0062365583
- Product Dimensions: 6 x 1.3 x 9 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #691 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #35 in Books > Literature & Fiction > Women’s Fiction > Domestic Life
- #70 in Books > Literature & Fiction > Contemporary
Us A Novel Hardcover Deckle Edge October 28 2014 A Novel Hardcover Deckle Edge October 28 2014 What is remarkable about Us by David Nicholls is not the storyline Simply stated raananl Mad River A Virgil Flowers Novel Hardcover Mar 29 2013 Mad River A Virgil Flowers Novel Hardcover Amazon Store Amazon Mad River A Virgil Flowers Novel Hardcover The Monogram Murders by Sophie Hannah Hardcover Deckle Last updated on Oct 28 2014 09 50 28 PDT Hercule Poirot Mysteries Hardcover Deckle Edge by Sophie This item will ship to United States The Secret History of Wonder Woman Deckle Edge Hardcover Hardcover Deckle Edge CDN 21 Book Description Release Date Oct 28 2014 Books History Americas United States 20th Century
I was first introduced to David Nicholls just a book earlier though it has been over five years since his last release which was titled One Day. I thoroughly fell in love with it as it was a great, funny, and heart-breaking read. It was a wonderful and unique story, so different and so appealing. When I came to know he’s coming up with another book, I didn’t know how to react. There was this sense of excitement and enthusiasm to read it but there was also this overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety. My fear and anxiety large stems from the high expectation that I have of him which borders on an insane craze, and that his new book would not live up to the high standard that he himself sets.
The first sign that this was no ordinary book comes when it was selected for the Man Booker Prize Longlist. For sure it’s a great honor, but many prestigious award winning books do not always turn out to be a great read. However, my fear was totally unfounded as David Nicholls’ latest book, Us, is a well-conceived story, almost flawless in its execution, with characters that danced through its pages, guiding the reader along, as one navigates life’s treacherous paths with its central character Douglas Peterson.
What is remarkable about Us by David Nicholls is not the storyline. Simply stated, it is a simple one. Douglas Petersen is an affable middle-aged biochemist planning to go on a grand tour of Europe with his wife of twenty years, Connie, and their seventeen-year-old son, Albie. Just a few days before they are to set off for the tour Connie dropped a bomb-shell when she announced that she is leaving him. It would be an understatement to say Douglas is shocked.
Us by David Nicholls is a bit like a Woody Allen movie from the 70s or 80s. The initial challenge is wrapping your brain around the idea that Mia Farrow or Diane Keaton actually are in love with this putz. Once accomplished, the remaining hour and a half of film was almost always a pleasant, quirky romp. However, what works in a 2 hour film doesn’t necessarily translate to a novel nearly 400 pages long. That’s a lot of putz.
Douglas Petersen is our git, whose beautiful wife Connie announces at the outset their marriage may have run its course. Apparently, after 20+ years, Connie’s love for the flavor vanilla has begun to wane, and though not entirely a shock to Douglas it certainly is upsetting news. He is keenly aware of his estrangement from son Albie, and vaguely aware 20-25 of his behavioral traits may exacerbate tensions…and yet, what’s an emotional stiff to do? Double down, apparently.
Off the Petersen’s go–to wend and whine their way about the Continent, where readers get the full flavor of what it is like to be married to an insecure stiff. Nicholls is a very, very funny writer which helps make the anally retentive try hard barely bearable (‘just tell me which paintings I’m supposed to like’ is his take from the Louvre). Occasionally, his ineptitude is poignant, as when he manages to thoroughly alienate the son and disgust the wife. As another reviewer noted though, a little bit of our main character goes a long, long way.
In the second half of the book Douglas pulls his head out of his backside and Us becomes a riff on Henry James’ The Ambassador. Petersen continues his Grand Tour, to not just retrieve the errant prodigy but to make amends. Along the way, the epiphanies unfold at an alarming rate.
Us: A Novel – Deckle Edge, October 28, 2014 Download
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